No palco improvável da política global e das fortunas instáveis, desenrola-se um encontro peculiar. Donald Trump, o carismático e controverso (renovado) presidente dos Estados Unidos, recebe Marco Galinha, magnata lusitano de media com um pé no imobiliário, outro nas máquinas de vending e um olho fixo na auto-promoção. Este encontro improvável deve-se a um detalhe curioso: Marco Galinha é um dos investidores europeus que acreditaram (ou foram enganados a acreditar) no futuro promissor da Truth Social, a rede social de Trump, e por isso foi convidado para a tomada de posse.
Convencido de que esta sua presença é o seu grande momento de estrelato global, Marco Galinha preparou cuidadosamente o seu inglês… ou assim ele pensa.
[Salão Oval, Casa Branca]
DONALD TRUMP: (gesticulando com as mãos como se estivesse a negociar um acordo imobiliário) Mark Chicken! Great to have you here! You know, I’ve always been a fan of Portugal. Beautiful country, lots of… ports. Great name, by the way. I hear you’re a Big Fish in Portugal, but isn’t it funny? Your name is Chicken! Big Chicken, Mark. It’s strong. You know, people love a Big Chicken. Makes people hungry – tremendous name. Everyone loves it!
MARCO GALINHA: (com um sorriso nervoso e um inglês hesitante) Tank you, Mr. Trump! I am… how you say… very proud… to be in this, uh, White Office. Very big.
DONALD TRUMP: White House, Mark. It’s called the White House. But yes, big and beautiful. Tremendous place. Best house in the World. No gold here, though. But hey, let’s talk about you. Your media empire—tell me about it. Tremendous empire, I’m sure.
MARCO GALINHA: Yes, yes! Very empire! I own the “newspaper of the century.” Many peoples in Portugal read! Uh… maybe not big numbers, but, uh… how you say… high quality readers! Very intelligent.
DONALD TRUMP: (arqueando uma sobrancelha) Not big numbers? Mark, numbers are everything. You know, I have the best numbers. Tremendous numbers. Ask anyone.
MARCO GALINHA: Yes, yes, Mr. Trump! But my numbers are, uh… selective. Very exclusive. Like private club. Only the best!
DONALD TRUMP: (pensativo, como se estivesse a tentar encontrar lógica) Exclusive? Well, I like exclusive. But tell me more about this… media business. Do you have shows? Like ‘The Apprentice’? Tremendous show. Everyone loved it. I was the best host. The best.
MARCO GALINHA: Uh… no, no shows. But we have big, uh, machines! Vending machines! You know, you press button, and… pling! Chocolate! Or, uh, drinks!
DONALD TRUMP: (parecendo genuinamente intrigado) Wait, vending machines? Are you saying your media empire includes vending machines?
MARCO GALINHA: Yes, yes! Is all connected! Media and vending, same thing. Peoples read newspaper, they drink soda. Is synergy!
DONALD TRUMP: (balançando a cabeça, como se subitamente tivesse percebido algo genial) Synergy. Mark, that’s genius. Tremendous idea. Nobody’s doing that here. Maybe I should get into vending machines. “Trump Vending”—it’ll be huge.
MARCO GALINHA: (acenando vigorosamente) Yes! We can make partnership! Trump Machines by Chicken! Big success!
DONALD TRUMP: (olhando para o seu assistente com um sorriso trocista) “Trump Machines by Chicken.” I love it. Tremendous. But listen, Mark, what about Truth Social? You’ve been a big supporter. A great investor. What’s your take?
MARCO GALINHA: (parecendo confuso) My… my take? Take what?
DONALD TRUMP: (com paciência) Your opinion, Mark. What do you think about Truth Social?
MARCO GALINHA: Ah! Yes, Truth Social! Big success, Mr. Trump. Very much truth, very much social. In Portugal, peoples love it. Many… how you say… many likes! And, uh, Mr. Trump, I meet big peoples here! Mike Tyson! Very strong man! And Tucker Carlson… very smart! I think to hire him for my newspaper. My journalists very, uh, how you say… lefted? Or opposite right hand, I not sure. All very boring.
DONALD TRUMP: (com um olhar céptico) Really? Portugal loves Truth? That’s tremendous. But let me tell you, Mark, we need more people. Tremendous numbers. Maybe you should promote it in your… what did you call it?
MARCO GALINHA: (confuse) What is a rag, Mr. President?
DONALD TRUMP: (percebendo que o interlocutor desconhece o termo) Rag, Mark, is what we call an extraordinary newspaper. You know, a paper with the best information. Better than anything from… the Fox, for example. Tremendous, really.
MARCO GALINHA: (radiante) Ah! Yes, yes! My rag! The best! Very extraordinary!
DONALD TRUMP: (balançando a cabeça, divertido) That’s the spirit, Mark. Tell me more about it. What’s the big story in your rag right now?
MARCO GALINHA: Uh… big story! About vending machines! Very important. Peoples love it. Press button, get snack! Is innovation! We can make, uh… special promotion! Buy newspaper, get free vending snack!
DONALD TRUMP: (rindo) Mark, you’re killing me. That’s brilliant. I mean, who doesn’t want snacks with their news? But let’s talk serious business. Real estate. I hear you’re into that too.
MARCO GALINHA: Yes, yes! I build, uh, how you say… very luxury buildings. In Portugal, very famous! Everyone knows Marco Galinha Houses. Big houses, very, uh, cement!
DONALD TRUMP: (tentando não rir) Cement, huh? That’s… strong. I like strong. You know, Mark, I’ve built the best buildings. Tremendous buildings. Trump Tower? Best tower. Everyone agrees. What’s the tallest thing you’ve built?
MARCO GALINHA: (hesitando) Uh… tallest? Not very tall. But very wide! We have, uh… parking lots! Many space!
DONALD TRUMP: (encostando-se na cadeira, divertido) Parking lots. Mark, you’re a character. But I like you. You’ve got spirit. Tremendous spirit.
MARCO GALINHA: (entusiasmado) Tank you, Mr. Trump! You also big spirit! Big man! Maybe you visit Portugal? I make, uh… how you say… big welcome party! Many sardines and fado!
DONALD TRUMP: (confuso) Sardines? What’s that?
MARCO GALINHA: (sorrindo) Is fish. Very small, but very tasty! Portugal very famous for sardines. And for fado! Is, uh… how you say… sad singing. Very good for happy moments!
DONALD TRUMP: (com uma expressão perplexa) Sad singing for happy moments? Mark, you’re full of surprises. But hey, if I come to Portugal, I want the best. Tremendous welcome. Trump-style. Got it?
MARCO GALINHA: Yes, yes! Trump-style! Big party, many sardines, many vending machines!
DONALD TRUMP: (rindo e acenando) You’ve got it, Mark. Now, let’s take a picture. This moment is tremendous. Historic.
MARCO GALINHA: (aproximando-se, com um sorriso gigante) Tank you, Mr. Trump! You are very… how you say… special big man of America!
DONALD TRUMP: (rindo) Special big man? I like it. Mark, you’re one of a kind. Tremendous guy. Let’s do big things together.
A fotografia deste encontro improvável tornou-se viral no Truth Social, acompanhada da legenda de Trump: “Mark Chicken: Portugal’s finest businessman. Tremendous guy. Big ideas – like snacks with news!”
N.D. Encontros improváveis é uma nova seccção do PÁGINA UM que explora as potencialidades do cruzamento da ‘inteligência humana’ com a ‘inteligência artificial’. O argumento é inicialmente realizado pela ‘inteligência humana’, sendo a primeira versão dos diálogos produzidA pela ‘inteligência artificial’, desenvolvendo-se depois um ‘diálogo’ interactivo até se chegar a uma versão final, concluindo-se com uma humana edição final. A ideia é que o resultado final seja algo que nem um humano conseguisse fazer sozinho em tão pouco tempo nem que uma máquina conseguisse fazer sozinha independentemente do tempo. Peter Scallop é um pseudónimo.
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